Thursday, January 1, 2009

All Energy in the Universe is Spirit Energy

Because spirit is everything and everything is spirit, all power and energy in the universe is spirit power and spirit energy, and all power and energy in the universe derive from, are created by, and exist because of spirit power and spirit energy. Thus everything in the universe is really just spirit energy. This is akin to yin-yang theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine which states that everything in the universe is different combinations and manifestations of yin and yang energy. In my opinion, this is true of all planes and worlds and of all animate and inanimate objects in these planes and worlds.

Spirit is Everything / In Spirit There is and can be no Separation

Spirit, is the universe. Spirit is all physical and non-physical animate and non-animate objects in the universe. Therefore, although we talk about the physical, mental, psychical, and spiritual worlds and planes, each – and all things pertaining to these worlds and planes - are really only different manifestations and ranges of spirit, spirit energy and spiritual vibrations.

Because spirit is the universe and all things in the universe this means that all beings and all living things, no matter whether they reside on the physical plane or on other spiritual planes, are all spirit beings. It also means that all physical, psychical and spiritual worlds and planes are all spiritual worlds and planes. They are all really just different manifestations and ranges of spiritual energy and spiritual vibrations. It is this commonality of and connection by spirit that make possible spiritual healing, spiritual communication and all spiritual phenomena.

Spirit law decrees that this commonality of, and connection by spirit cannot be sundered and this means that there is no, and can be no spiritual isolation and separation between spirit beings, inanimate objects and spirit worlds. If there were spiritual separation and spiritual disconnection between and within the animate and inanimate objects of this earth plane and other spiritual planes and other spiritual vibrations, spirit could not exert perfect control over the universe and all things in the universe. Obviously, spirit must be able to link and communicate perfectly in a spiritual way with things for it to have perfect intelligence about them and for it to exert perfect spiritual control over them.

If there were spiritual separation and spiritual disconnection, the spiritual healing that occurs through spiritual healers would not be possible because spiritual healing through spiritual healing mediums is an entirely spiritual process requiring the channelling of spiritual healing power: from spirit, through spirit, to spirit – i.e. from the higher spiritual vibrations through the spirit of the healer to the spirit of the patient. For spirit power to reach the patient in a spiritual way, a three-way spiritual connection and communication must exist.

Likewise, all other kinds of spiritual mediumship are also entirely spiritual processes involving the channelling of spirit power from the higher spiritual vibrations through the spirit of the medium. Therefore, if there were spiritual separation and spiritual disconnection, no spiritual mediumship of any kind would be possible.