Friday, December 19, 2008
A Definition of Good Healing
George Nicol
The Spiritual Internet
If we had a good knowledge of spirit and spiritual truth; if we knew that spirit and the power of the spirit always operated in accordance with natural law; and if we knew what spirit does but did not know what allows, helps to explain and makes possible the things that spirit does we might be prompted to ask the following set of questions:
a) What is it that allows spirit to prevent chaos in the universe and in all things in the universe?
b) What is it that allows spirit to exert and maintain perfect control in the universe and to exert and maintain perfect control over all things in the universe?
c) We know that spirit is a perfect and infinite intelligence that has access to all knowledge, but what is it that allows spirit to have perfect information about everything in the universe and about all living things in the universe – right down to the smallest cell, atom and sub-atomic component?
d) What is it that allows spirit to be ubiquitous, all-knowing, all-feeling etc.?
e) What is it that allows spirit to communicate with everything in the universe and allows everything in the universe to communicate with spirit?
f) What is it that interconnects all animate and inanimate physical and non-physical objects and all parts of animate and inanimate physical and non-physical objects in the universe?
g) What is it that allows, explains and makes possible the natural spiritual phenomenon of spiritual healing?
h) What is it that allows, explains and makes possible all spiritual phenomena and all phenomena of the power of the spirit worked through human mediums?
i) What is it that explains and makes clairvoyance possible?
j) When spiritual healing is requested from spirit for the self, for others, for animals or other living things, what is it that allows spirit to perfectly spiritually diagnose a patient and to send a perfect spiritual healing treatment based on that diagnosis to the patient and to do so no matter where the patient is located in the physical universe?
Having posed the above set of questions we might hypothesize something like the spiritual internet which would allow us to provide answers for each and every one of these questions.
In this book, the spiritual internet is regarded as a hypothetical, infinite, perfect, spiritual and non-physical construct of spirit that interconnects all physical and non-physical animate and non-animate objects in the universe with themselves and with spirit. As the spiritual internet is a hypothetical construct it is not something that actually exists but it is something which very possibly could do. I believe the idea of the spiritual internet is a thing of reason, logic and common sense and I believe it provides a good explanation of how spirit does what it does.
The concept of the spiritual internet came to me around the turn of the 20th century and derives from the world wide computer internet that is in such common use today. The two networks, however, are analogous only in the loosest possible way. The computer internet itself is a very very pale shadow of the spiritual internet and bears only a passing resemblance to it. The spiritual internet, for instance, is perfect, limitless and universal. It has always existed and it will always exist. During the course of its existence it has only ever operated perfectly – and it will continue to only ever operate perfectly in the future. It cannot do otherwise because it is of the perfect and infallible spirit which is incapable of fault or failure. It is never and can never be offline like its physical counterpart. The internet on the other hand is an imperfect and limited earth spanning network which has only recently come into existence.
The spiritual internet is the ultimate network. It is the ultimate network for a number of reasons. Firstly, the spiritual internet connects and interconnects everything in the universe and does so perfectly because it is a creation of the infinite and perfect spirit. No other network can lay claim to connecting and interconnecting with everything in creation. Secondly, because the spiritual internet is spiritual and not physical it does not have the physical limitations that are imposed by and associated with time and space and so it operates instantaneously - and the power and communication that are sent and received through the spiritual internet are neither diminished or corrupted by distance because there is no distance involved with the spiritual internet. Also there is no limit to the quantity and quality of power that can be transmitted through the spiritual internet. Thirdly, as it is spiritual it is not subject to any kind of physical wear and tear - and because it is not subject to wear and tear its perfect structure can always remain perfect. Fourthly, the spiritual internet has always been in existence and it will always be in existence. It has always operated perfectly and it will always operate perfectly. No other network can possibly make such a claim. Let me just repeat and stress that the spiritual internet is spiritual and not physical in nature – and it is good that it is not physical because if it were it would be impossible for it to even operate, much less operate perfectly.
The perfect spiritual interconnection that the spiritual internet provides allows the infinite universal intelligence that is spirit to communicate with; exert, maintain control over; influence; receive information from; and to send spirit power to the universe and to all things in the universe. Is it not obvious that spirit can only do such things perfectly if it has the means of communicating and interconnecting perfectly? If the links supplied by the spiritual internet were imperfect in any way spirit communication and control would also be imperfect.
This perfect spiritual interconnection and spiritual network then is not just very important, it is all important.
As spirit demands perfection, and because spirit is perfect and incapable of creating imperfectly, the universe and all things in the universe have been created perfectly and created in such a way that spiritual separation within and between components of the spiritual network cannot be brought about by any means. It is well that spiritual separation cannot occur with an individual or with any other physical and non-physical animate or inanimate object because if it did so even for a fraction of a second their existence would instantly cease because spirit, which creates, gives and maintains life is not there. It is also well that the spiritual internet is not physical because if it were, separation within and between components of the spiritual network would frequently occur. The structure of the spiritual network would be so incredibly fragile that it could withstand virtually no physical wear and tear at all.
It is because of the spiritual internet and because there is no spiritual separation in the universe that makes it possible for spirit mediums – and theoretically for any person – to communicate with spirit and with people who have passed into spirit. It is this spiritual network that allows spirit beings on spiritual planes to communicate instantaneously with other spirit beings on the same and on other spiritual planes – including our earth plane. It is this spiritual organization that makes spiritual healing and the production of all other spiritual phenomena possible.
Incidentally, it is because of the spiritual internet and because there is no spiritual separation that makes clairvoyance and telepathy possible. You can see then that the spiritual internet and the perfect spiritual linkage that it provides not only allow communication between the physical, mental and spiritual planes but within the physical, mental and spiritual planes as well. The spiritual internet not only allows the above things to occur but it provides an explanation for them and in doing so helps to demystify them.
It is the contention in this book that everything in the universe, every animate and non-animate object in the physical world and in non-physical worlds are spirit – and are entirely spirit. We may have what are usually considered to be the physical, mental, psychical (and the spiritual), but these all derive from and are created by spirit. Each is really just a different manifestation and a different set of spiritual vibrations. Therefore, that which is usually considered to be the physical – including, of course, the physical body – is really one set of spiritual vibrations, while the mind and psyche are two other sets of spiritual vibrations on the infinite spiritual keyboard.
If there is no separation in spirit and if everything in the universe is spirit, it is not really correct to separate and compartmentalize the physical, mental, psychical and spiritual planes as I have done because to do so is to separate spirit, or rather to separate the different manifestations of spiritual vibrations. When we say then that spiritual linkage allows communication within and between the physical, mental, psychical and spiritual planes what we should really say is that the spiritual linkage supplied by the spiritual internet allows communications (and the transmission of power) within and between the spiritual vibrations that comprise the spiritual plane. What we must remember is that all energy in the universe is really spiritual energy and that all energy operates in the spiritual plane, which is really the only plane.
If the physical, mental and psychical all derive from and are created by spirit then the laws which are associated with each universe must also derive from and be creations of spirit. When we talk about things like the physical laws, what we have then is really just a subset of spiritual law – and because in spirit there can be no separation such laws cannot be separated or work in isolation from other laws. Physical law is like a law within a law which interacts harmoniously and in balance with other laws. No law can operate only in splendid isolation. What this means is that if people want to really understand how the universe works they will have to understand about spirit law and all the laws that are involved with it. They will certainly not be able to do that if all they know and all they concern themselves with are physical laws and physical processes.
As spirit is everything, spirit is the spiritual internet and the spiritual internet is spirit. Being spiritual, the spiritual internet is – and must be - imbued with all the qualities and attributes of the spirit that are covered in this book. As spirit is nature, which, of course, incorporates natural law, the phenomenon called the spiritual internet is also natural and operates – and can only operate – according to the dictates of nature and natural law. What the spiritual internet is then is a natural phenomenon of the spiritual kind. Such a statement may not sit too well with physical scientists but what all people should be aware of is that there are other energies and laws in the universe apart from the well documented and researched physical ones and this means that there are other phenomena in the universe apart from physical ones.
We now know that the spiritual internet allows the production of all natural spiritual phenomena which operate according to the dictates of natural law. We know that the spiritual internet itself is a natural phenomenon which also operates according to the dictates of natural law. We also know that spiritual phenomena and the spiritual internet provide great benefits from which we can profit greatly – if we want to. It makes sense to me then that if we would like to really profit from the above natural spiritual phenomena as we have profited from natural physical phenomena we will need to conduct research into their operation. We will certainly not know about natural processes if we deny them and do not use and investigate them.
Let me assure you that it is already well known that the best spiritual results and the best spiritual phenomena are produced through those people who co-operate and work well with spirit a great deal and who co-operate and work with great knowledge of spirit and the mechanics of spiritual phenomena. It is basically from and through such people that this knowledge comes to us. They are the experts and spiritual scientists and are the spiritual counterpart of physical scientists. Let me assure you though that you do not need to be a spiritual expert or a spiritual scientist to work with spirit because every human being has the ability to obtain spiritual results. This, too, is also well known in spiritual circles – and again it is the spiritual experts and experience that tell us that this is so. People – even very intelligent people - may not believe that that can be the truth but unless they have access to spiritual truth and have the means to interpret it their beliefs will and can have no foundation.
If they were not connected to spirit via the spiritual internet, that would not be possible, of course. The fact is everyone is already plugged into the spiritual network and they cannot be unplugged from it. They do not need to do anything to plug themselves into it. Yet being merely plugged into the spiritual network will not be enough to produce good spiritual results. If they want good spiritual results they will need to do what good spiritual mediums do – and that is to learn to use the spiritual internet much better and to learn how to prepare and how to co-operate with spiritual energies involved with that. I do not think I insult your reason, logic and common sense too much when I write that.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Is the Law of Attraction involved in spiritual healing in any way?
Yes, The Law of Attraction is involved in spiritual healing and is extremely important in the spiritual healing process. Indeed, I would say that the Law of Attraction is all important in the spiritual healing process.
The preparation of the spiritual healer for the practice of spiritual healing is about them utilizing the Law of Attraction in the best possible way. Spiritual healers who utilize the Law of Attraction in the best possible way are the ones who obtain the best healing results.
Spiritual healing is all about the spiritual healer attuning to, attracting and channelling the highest and the best quality spiritual healing vibrations and it is the standard of the spiritual vibrations that determine the standard of the spiritual healing results. The spiritual healer can only achieve that by utilizing the Law of Attraction in the best possible way. The healing results that can be achieved through a spiritual healer correlate to the state of the vibrations created and how well the healer can utilize the Law of Attraction.
In order for the healer to attune to, attract and channel the highest and the best quality spiritual vibrations, they must prepare themself appropriately physically, mentally and spiritually. By that I mean they need to prepare themselves appropriately vibrationally so that their personal spiritual vibrations are as high as possible. What the spiritual healer must be aware of is that they will not be able to that unless they properly prepare the physical, the mental and the spiritual.
You may wonder why we must pay attention to the physical and the mental when we talk about promoting the spiritual vibrations and it is because the physical and the mental are also spiritual vibrations. You must not forget that all things in the universe are spirit and that in spirit there is nor can be no separation. The physical and the mental are different manifestations of spiritual vibrations. Thus, by neglecting the quality and standard of the physical and/or the mental we must reduce the quality and standard of the spiritual.
The spiritual vibrational state of the healer at the time of practicing spiritual healing is all important because it is the state of the spiritual healing vibrations that determine what can be attuned to and channelled. The Law of Attraction is the Law of Like Attracting Like, or rather it is the Law of Like Vibrations Attracting Like Vibrations. This means if the healer wants to attract high spiritual vibrations they must be in a similarly high spiritual vibrational state. If the healer seeks to attract high spiritual vibrations and obtain the best spiritual healing results they can that is what they must do - and to do that they must prepare themself appropriately vibration-wise.
Let me tell you that a spiritual healer can only ever attract and channel the quality of spiritual healing vibrations that they themself radiate. They can only ever ‘plug’ into spiritual vibrations whose radiations are similar to their own. Therefore, if their personal spiritual vibrational state is high they will be capable of attuning to, attracting, channelling or plugging into similarly high spiritual healing vibrations. If, however, their personal spiritual vibrational state is low they will not be capable of attracting and channelling that standard of spiritual healing vibrations. They cannot do that because the Law of Attraction will not allow it. They can only attune to, attract and channel vibrations and vibrational energy that is like their personal energy state. To do otherwise would contravene natural law and that is not possible. They will obviously also not be capable of achieving a high standard of healing results because the results relate to the standard of the existing spiritual vibrations.
No spiritual healer should ever think that they can channel the highest quality spiritual vibrations and obtain the best possible healing results just by preparing their spiritual vibrations immediately prior to and during a spiritual healing session. That is not what will allow them to utilize the Law of Attraction in their healing in the best possible way. If a spiritual healer wants to do that they will have to prepare appropriately before and during a healing session but what they must also do if they want to achieve the highest healing standard is to additionally prepare by living their lives spiritually at all times. This is what allows them to make best personal use of the Law of Attraction in their spiritual healing.
It is only when the healer uses this dual preparation that they can obtain the best possible healing results.
It is true that a very good spiritual healer may still get good spiritual healing results despite not preparing immediately before a healing session because of their already high spiritual vibrational state but they will never be capable of obtaining their best spiritual healing results by doing that. Neither will a spiritual healing beginner with relatively lower basic spiritual vibrations be capable of obtaining great spiritual healing results by preparing themself wonderfully well before a session and not preparing themself at other times. The best spiritual healing results in both the above cases will not be obtained because personal spiritual vibrations are not optimal.
The discerning spiritual healer should remember that spiritual development is an infinite ongoing process, and as the spiritual healer develops spiritually so too must quality and standard of their spiritual vibrations develop and increase accordingly. As this occurs, the healer’s spiritual healing results increase as they correlate with the healer’s spiritual vibrations. This means that there is always the possibility of attaining better and better results. The discerning healer should therefore not just be concerned with getting good results, they should be concerned with getting better and better results. This they can do only by constantly striving to develop themself spiritually and to constantly strive to better prepare themself for spiritual healing sessions.
If a spiritual healing beginner were to ask me: “Why are my spiritual healing results not very good?” I would probably say: “It is because your spiritual vibrations are not very good.” If a spiritual healing beginner were to subsequently ask me: “What can I do to improve my spiritual healing results?” I would say: “You must raise – and continue to raise - the quality of your personal spiritual vibrations by living your life spiritually and by preparing – and by better and better preparing - the vibrations of your inner and outer environment as well as you possibly can prior to commencement of a spiritual healing session. You must not forget that in seeking to create the best spiritual vibrations, the spiritual healer does not live in splendid isolation vibration-wise. The healer must cultivate the spiritual vibrations of all those involved in the spiritual healing session – including other spiritual healers, the patient and other individuals.”
If you want great spiritual healing results you will probably have to be patient because the increase in spiritual vibrations necessary for such results to occur usually cannot happen overnight. It is true that spiritual healing beginners occasionally obtain great healing results from day one – and if that occurs it can only be due to the high quality of their spiritual vibrations. If the beginner will eliminate complacency, and persevere with concerted effort, better results will come. The results will – and must surely - come as you are better able to utilize the spiritual vibrations involved in the Law of Attraction.
I have said that The Law of Attraction is involved in spiritual healing and that it is all important in the spiritual healing process. However, what I also say is that the Law of Attraction is involved in all other kinds of mediumship and is all important in all other kinds of mediumship. This must be so because the same spiritual processes and laws are involved in each.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
From the spiritual point of view are euthanasia and suicide right or wrong?
From spirit’s point of view, euthanasia and suicide are always wrong and can never be justified.
What all advocates of euthanasia and suicide do not know and what they should understand – indeed what all people, even non-advocates of euthanasia and suicide should know and understand as their opinions can easily change as circumstances and conditions change – is that the physical world and all aspects of existence in the physical world have been created by spirit solely for the purpose of spiritual development and evolution.
Spirit created and maintains the physical world, the physical existence and the physical experience solely for spiritual reasons and for spiritual purposes. This is the only reason for the creation and for the continual existence of the physical world. The physical and the things of the physical world are provided by spirit only for the sake of the spiritual not for the sake of the physical. The positive and negative experiences that occur and are experienced in the physical world are intended by spirit solely to prompt and promote the spiritual nature of individuals and the spiritual lessons that such experiences provide can only be provided in the physical world and through the physical experience. When the spiritual, therefore, does not occur because of the physical existence and experience, the physical has not fulfilled its primary purpose and the reason for its existence – and when the spiritual does not occur very well then the physical has not fulfilled its primary purpose very well.
Spirit concerns itself primarily with spirit and the things of the spirit. Matter and the things and experiences of matter are created and provided by spirit for spiritual purposes and for spiritual ends. Materialism is intended not for its own sake but for the sake of spirit. Therefore, from the perspective and opinion of the spirit, true success occurs not when an individual has an abundance of material things but when an individual has made great spiritual progress as a result of material things and the material existence.
Therefore, whenever it is the case that the thoughts and subsequent actions of an individual or individuals in any way prevent essential spiritual lessons being learned from physical experiences, the thoughts and actions of those individuals directly oppose the intentions and purposes of the spirit. In other words their thoughts and actions directly oppose the will of spirit and contravene spirit law. Their thoughts and actions are unspiritual – and because spirit is nature their thoughts and actions are also unnatural. An example of how an individual prevents essential spiritual lessons being learned from the physical experience is when an individual practises euthanasia or commits suicide. Unfortunately, because such practices are unspiritual and unnatural, and because they contravene natural law they must automatically create negative karmic consequences which require atonement for all parties involved in the euthanasia or suicide.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
How does a spiritual healer heal?
It is appropriate at this point to state that spiritual healing is a spiritual phenomenon and is spiritual mediumship. It is but one example of a phenomenon of the spirit and one example of spiritual mediumship. In all cases of spiritual mediumship, in all cases whereby the power of the spirit is channelled through a human medium, the energy and the type of spiritual phenomena may be different but the same basic processes are involved in each. Therefore, by knowing the basic processes involved with spiritual healing one knows the basic processes involved with all kinds of spiritual mediumship
Monday, November 3, 2008
What should the theory of spiritual theory and mediumship seek to do?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Why is theory important for the spiritual healers and mediums?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
What is spirit, and how does spirit relate to spiritual healing, mediumship, meditation, and health?
Spirit is the infinite, perfect, all-knowing all-feeling, all-seeing, all-powerful ubiquitous universal intelligence that possesses perfect intelligence and knowledge about the universe and all physical and non-physical animate and non-animate objects in the universe.
The universal intelligence that is spirit is a non-material spiritual essence. Spirit is very similar to the concept of God and includes all those and all that which is involved in the spiritual organization and structure. Spirit is not a deified man or a deified being. Nor is spirit/Great Spirit, the power that creates and maintains the universe, a spirit being – although it is said, perhaps confusingly, that those spirit beings who help and assist in the production of spiritual healing and other spiritual and natural phenomena are spirit. Spirit does not have human form or human appearance – rather the whole universe and everything in it is its form.
While it is true that spirit does not have human form or human appearance; human form, human appearance and even human health are determined by spirit and the state of one’s spirit. You may say: “But what about the physical? What about the mind? What about free will? What about evolution? You forgot about these and the effect they have on human form, human appearance and health.” It is true that these things all have an impact, but these things – indeed all things, as we shall see – derive from spirit and the state of the spirit.
Therefore, all human beings –and indeed all animals and all living things – are a product and a consequence of spirit and the state of the spirit. We can say that man and the state and condition of man are a reflection of spirit and the state of the spirit. What we can also say is that man is made in the image of spirit. In spiritual healing what we seek to do is to use spirit – or rather the healing power of the spirit – to change and re-shape the imperfect image of man to more closely resemble the perfect image of spirit or God.