Yes, The Law of Attraction is involved in spiritual healing and is extremely important in the spiritual healing process. Indeed, I would say that the Law of Attraction is all important in the spiritual healing process.
The preparation of the spiritual healer for the practice of spiritual healing is about them utilizing the Law of Attraction in the best possible way. Spiritual healers who utilize the Law of Attraction in the best possible way are the ones who obtain the best healing results.
Spiritual healing is all about the spiritual healer attuning to, attracting and channelling the highest and the best quality spiritual healing vibrations and it is the standard of the spiritual vibrations that determine the standard of the spiritual healing results. The spiritual healer can only achieve that by utilizing the Law of Attraction in the best possible way. The healing results that can be achieved through a spiritual healer correlate to the state of the vibrations created and how well the healer can utilize the Law of Attraction.
In order for the healer to attune to, attract and channel the highest and the best quality spiritual vibrations, they must prepare themself appropriately physically, mentally and spiritually. By that I mean they need to prepare themselves appropriately vibrationally so that their personal spiritual vibrations are as high as possible. What the spiritual healer must be aware of is that they will not be able to that unless they properly prepare the physical, the mental and the spiritual.
You may wonder why we must pay attention to the physical and the mental when we talk about promoting the spiritual vibrations and it is because the physical and the mental are also spiritual vibrations. You must not forget that all things in the universe are spirit and that in spirit there is nor can be no separation. The physical and the mental are different manifestations of spiritual vibrations. Thus, by neglecting the quality and standard of the physical and/or the mental we must reduce the quality and standard of the spiritual.
The spiritual vibrational state of the healer at the time of practicing spiritual healing is all important because it is the state of the spiritual healing vibrations that determine what can be attuned to and channelled. The Law of Attraction is the Law of Like Attracting Like, or rather it is the Law of Like Vibrations Attracting Like Vibrations. This means if the healer wants to attract high spiritual vibrations they must be in a similarly high spiritual vibrational state. If the healer seeks to attract high spiritual vibrations and obtain the best spiritual healing results they can that is what they must do - and to do that they must prepare themself appropriately vibration-wise.
Let me tell you that a spiritual healer can only ever attract and channel the quality of spiritual healing vibrations that they themself radiate. They can only ever ‘plug’ into spiritual vibrations whose radiations are similar to their own. Therefore, if their personal spiritual vibrational state is high they will be capable of attuning to, attracting, channelling or plugging into similarly high spiritual healing vibrations. If, however, their personal spiritual vibrational state is low they will not be capable of attracting and channelling that standard of spiritual healing vibrations. They cannot do that because the Law of Attraction will not allow it. They can only attune to, attract and channel vibrations and vibrational energy that is like their personal energy state. To do otherwise would contravene natural law and that is not possible. They will obviously also not be capable of achieving a high standard of healing results because the results relate to the standard of the existing spiritual vibrations.
No spiritual healer should ever think that they can channel the highest quality spiritual vibrations and obtain the best possible healing results just by preparing their spiritual vibrations immediately prior to and during a spiritual healing session. That is not what will allow them to utilize the Law of Attraction in their healing in the best possible way. If a spiritual healer wants to do that they will have to prepare appropriately before and during a healing session but what they must also do if they want to achieve the highest healing standard is to additionally prepare by living their lives spiritually at all times. This is what allows them to make best personal use of the Law of Attraction in their spiritual healing.
It is only when the healer uses this dual preparation that they can obtain the best possible healing results.
It is true that a very good spiritual healer may still get good spiritual healing results despite not preparing immediately before a healing session because of their already high spiritual vibrational state but they will never be capable of obtaining their best spiritual healing results by doing that. Neither will a spiritual healing beginner with relatively lower basic spiritual vibrations be capable of obtaining great spiritual healing results by preparing themself wonderfully well before a session and not preparing themself at other times. The best spiritual healing results in both the above cases will not be obtained because personal spiritual vibrations are not optimal.
The discerning spiritual healer should remember that spiritual development is an infinite ongoing process, and as the spiritual healer develops spiritually so too must quality and standard of their spiritual vibrations develop and increase accordingly. As this occurs, the healer’s spiritual healing results increase as they correlate with the healer’s spiritual vibrations. This means that there is always the possibility of attaining better and better results. The discerning healer should therefore not just be concerned with getting good results, they should be concerned with getting better and better results. This they can do only by constantly striving to develop themself spiritually and to constantly strive to better prepare themself for spiritual healing sessions.
If a spiritual healing beginner were to ask me: “Why are my spiritual healing results not very good?” I would probably say: “It is because your spiritual vibrations are not very good.” If a spiritual healing beginner were to subsequently ask me: “What can I do to improve my spiritual healing results?” I would say: “You must raise – and continue to raise - the quality of your personal spiritual vibrations by living your life spiritually and by preparing – and by better and better preparing - the vibrations of your inner and outer environment as well as you possibly can prior to commencement of a spiritual healing session. You must not forget that in seeking to create the best spiritual vibrations, the spiritual healer does not live in splendid isolation vibration-wise. The healer must cultivate the spiritual vibrations of all those involved in the spiritual healing session – including other spiritual healers, the patient and other individuals.”
If you want great spiritual healing results you will probably have to be patient because the increase in spiritual vibrations necessary for such results to occur usually cannot happen overnight. It is true that spiritual healing beginners occasionally obtain great healing results from day one – and if that occurs it can only be due to the high quality of their spiritual vibrations. If the beginner will eliminate complacency, and persevere with concerted effort, better results will come. The results will – and must surely - come as you are better able to utilize the spiritual vibrations involved in the Law of Attraction.
I have said that The Law of Attraction is involved in spiritual healing and that it is all important in the spiritual healing process. However, what I also say is that the Law of Attraction is involved in all other kinds of mediumship and is all important in all other kinds of mediumship. This must be so because the same spiritual processes and laws are involved in each.