Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why is theory important for the spiritual healers and mediums?

You may say: “But spiritual healing is fundamentally different to other forms of healing in that the spiritual healer does not actually diagnose and treat the patient. Because of that 180 degree difference, spiritual healers therefore do not need theory to be effective and to obtain good healing results.” My response is that: “It is indeed true that the spiritual healer does not diagnose and treat the patient – but it is not true that the spiritual healer can still practise effectively without having a good understanding of the theory of spiritual healing. In spiritual healing the healer still needs to have a good understanding of theory and apply it as well as they possibly can so that spirit and the healing power that derives from the spirit can do the healing work. In spiritual healing a large part of the relevant theory seeks to prepare the physical, mental, and spiritual inner and outer environments of the healer so as to allow them to co-operate with spirit in the best possible way so that spirit can work through them in the best possible way. This is what produces the best possible healing results. Let me tell you that theory is just as important to the practitioner of spiritual healing as it is to the medical practitioner. The importance of theory is the same - it is just that the focus of theory is different. For medical practitioners, for instance, theory makes them more effective healers but for spiritual healing practitioners theory makes them more effective in channelling spiritual healing power. Theory makes spiritual healers more effective in channelling spirit which is the real healer in spiritual healing. With both types of healers though, theory ultimately allows a better standard of healing to be delivered through them.”

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