Wednesday, February 18, 2009

If the power of the spirit could fail..........

The spirit guide Silver Birch once said:

"If the power of the spirit could fail, the earth would cease to spin on its axis and the seasons fail to follow one another in orderly sequence. If the power of the spirit could fail, the sun would cease to be a fiery orb and the moon fail to reflect its illumination. If the power of the spirit could fail, no seed would flower, no fruit would grow."
(The Philosophy of Silver Birch edited by Stella Storm)

In the above quote from Silver Birch, he indicates what the power of the spirit does and indicates the extent of the power of the spirit. The power of the spirit controls and regulates everything and all things animate and inaminate in the universe from the very smallest of things to the very largest of things. Silver Birch talks about how spirit controls and regulates everything in the universe from seeds to stars, but spirit, in addition, controls and regulates everything in the universe from atoms and sub-atomic particles to the very galaxies themselves. I would further add that: spirit creates, controls, regulates and maintains the universe and everything in the universe.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Interconnection of Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body

We tend to spatially compartmentalize and pigeonhole the spirit, soul, mind and body but it is not really appropriate for us to do that. We conceive and see the spirit, the soul, the mind and the body as being separated and placed in their own little pigeonholes in different locations and connected by means of some kind of spiritual wires or fibre optic cables!

Yet the connection – or rather the interconnection - that exists is not in this manner because it is basically a non-spatial one. It is true that the physical body has physical/spatial connections – and must have because it is a physical construct – but the mind, soul and spirit are non-physical and therefore are not spatial. It is true that there is an interrelationship between body, mind, soul and spirit but we cannot have a spatial interrelationship when one of the components of the self is physical and the other three are non-physical and do not belong to the physical plane.

If you would like to gain an appreciation of how the non-spatial connection works, get yourself a pen and a piece of paper, and write and superimpose each of the four words: spirit, soul, mind and body one atop of the other on the same space on the page with the word, body, on top. This produces a situation whereby all four words occupy exactly the same space and they cannot be separated because they are one. Although you put the word, body, on top you cannot really tell which of the words is on top. We cannot tell which word is at the front, middle or back – and that is because there is no front, middle, or back here. We can have no front, middle or back when we have non-spatial relationships – though there may appear to be. If you can imagine that you have written the words, spirit, soul and mind in invisible ink and the word, body, in normal ink, then the word, body, will be the only word that you can see. The word, body, may appear to be at the forefront or on top but this is not so. It only appears to be so. It is actually one and indivisible with the other words on the page. The words spirit, soul and mind are there - and they are just as there as the word, body, it is just you can neither see nor perceive them - or rather it is difficult for them to be seen or perceived. It is only if you have the means to perceive them that you will know they are there. This is precisely the situation that occurs with the self. The body is the thing we perceive, while the mind, soul and spirit we do not usually perceive – yet they are real nevertheless and they can be perceived if the senses are appropriately developed.