Wednesday, February 18, 2009

If the power of the spirit could fail..........

The spirit guide Silver Birch once said:

"If the power of the spirit could fail, the earth would cease to spin on its axis and the seasons fail to follow one another in orderly sequence. If the power of the spirit could fail, the sun would cease to be a fiery orb and the moon fail to reflect its illumination. If the power of the spirit could fail, no seed would flower, no fruit would grow."
(The Philosophy of Silver Birch edited by Stella Storm)

In the above quote from Silver Birch, he indicates what the power of the spirit does and indicates the extent of the power of the spirit. The power of the spirit controls and regulates everything and all things animate and inaminate in the universe from the very smallest of things to the very largest of things. Silver Birch talks about how spirit controls and regulates everything in the universe from seeds to stars, but spirit, in addition, controls and regulates everything in the universe from atoms and sub-atomic particles to the very galaxies themselves. I would further add that: spirit creates, controls, regulates and maintains the universe and everything in the universe.

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